Dropzone 4 Updated for macOS Big Sur and Apple Silicon

Dropzone 4 Icon

I’m thrilled to announce another big Dropzone 4 update. Dropzone now fully supports Apple Silicon and the new M1 MacBooks and Mac Minis and will run natively without requiring the use of Rosetta. The app icon has been refined as above and the app has been made to look and feel like it fits in with the new Big Sur design language.

Dropzone 4 Running on the MacBook Air M1 Dropzone 4 Running on the MacBook Air M1

I was excited to test out Big Sur and see how fast Dropzone would compile on the new M1 hardware. I use a 13-inch 2020 MacBook Pro (1.4GHz i5) as my main development machine and the M1 MacBook air is over 60% faster at compiling Dropzone. I have posted the results below. It’s amazing how fast these new machines really are.

Build times

In terms of design changes Big Sur has a new translucent menu bar that changes style depending on the desktop background lightness. In this update the Dropzone 4 drag area has been made to keep its coloring consistent with the new menu bar style.

Dropzone-Light-Bg Light Background Drag Overlay Dropzone-Dark-Bg Dark Background Drag Overlay

I have also tweaked the Dropzone preferences design to use the new built in SF Symbols font:


Along with these changes there are various other visual tweaks to ensure Dropzone fits right in. There are also lots of other bug fixes and improvements in this release so I highly recommend updating to this version. The update has been released on the Mac App Store, Setapp and for the version available direct from us.

I hope you enjoy the update! Feel free to comment below or email support@aptonic.com if you have any questions or feedback.

Dropzone 4.1.4 Changes

  • Updated and improved for macOS Big Sur
  • Support for Apple Silicon
  • Updated app icon
  • Drag area now automatically adjusts to dark/light tint depending on menu bar color
  • Improved status item clarity on non-retina displays
  • Updated preferences toolbar
  • Improved Open URL action title detection

You can download Dropzone 4.1.4 from here.

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