Dropzone 0.3.2 Released with Multitasking support

In earlier Dropzone versions, you could only perform one action at a time. e.g. if you were uploading a picture to TwitPic, then you couldn’t use the grid to launch an application or upload a different file to Flickr at the same time. You had to wait until the other task finished. This was a pain.

So, we went and added multitasking support, and while we were at it, greatly improved the task status window user interface.

New tasks get added to the bottom of the stack, and when a task finishes, the tasks below it slide up. So you can now run as many tasks as you like.

The other cool thing is that the destination icon is now shown beside each task so you can easily tell which task is which.

I think after trying it, you’ll agree that this takes the app to a whole new level.

We’ve also redone the Recent URLs feature. It stores the last 15 URLs, remembers them between launches and you can still access the list even when Dropzone is closed.

We’ve also fixed a bunch of bugs and made some enhancements to the API for destination developers.

IMPORTANT: We have discovered a bug in our auto-updating system that will prevent existing users from automatically upgrading to 0.3.2. So you will need to uninstall your current version and install the new one manually. This is not as painful as it sounds, to uninstall Dropzone, simply drag it out of your dock. A dialog box will pop up, click ‘Uninstall Dropzone’ and it will be removed from your system.

Then download Dropzone 0.3.2 from here. Unzip it and double click on Dropzone.app. You do not need to move it to your applications folder, as Dropzone will do this for you. Your destinations database and registration info will be preserved.

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