Topic: "Upload to Google Drive" hangs, does not upload

Dropzone 4.2.8 and can't upgrade beyond Mojave. All of sudden, it's stuck on uploading for ever after I drag the file. I re-added the action, re-authorized successfully: no dice.

The Actions Debug Console reports the following:

[Launching task with command line: runner.rb task-93867]

Task description file task-93867:

ACTION: "/Applications/*/Dropzone Drive.dzbundle"
EVENT: "dragged"
VARIABLE: "client_secret" "••••"
VARIABLE: "dragged_type" "files"
VARIABLE: "tmp_folder" "/var/folders/pr/34n7_cwx0_1bz_k7xcy1hjyc0000gn/T/"
VARIABLE: "app_version" "4.2.8"
VARIABLE: "expires_at" "1657249716"
VARIABLE: "refresh_token" "••••"
VARIABLE: "access_token" "••••"
VARIABLE: "client_id" "••••"
VARIABLE: "support_folder" "/Users/home/Library/Application Support/Dropzone"
ITEMS: "/Users/home/Documents/Mastering Video Editing/Apple - QuickTime - Tutorials - Text descriptors.pdf"

Determinate: 0
Begin_Message: Connecting to Google Drive...
Save_Value_Name: folder_name
Save_Value: Preview
Begin_Message: Uploading Apple - QuickTime - Tutorials - Text descriptors.pdf...

Re: "Upload to Google Drive" hangs, does not upload

I just tested this myself under 4.2.8 and all was well. I'm wondering if this may have been a temporary outage.
Could you test this out again now?

Re: "Upload to Google Drive" hangs, does not upload

The uploads still fail without any failure errors: I just force-quit the process by clicking on x next to the progress bar.
I tested other cloud-based actions: YouTube Uploader required re-auth and I was able to upload immediately after.

I have a question: does the Gdrive action use Python? I installed Python3 a month ago as a requirement to compile a Unix binary. I notice several little apps broken since, including a Dashboard widget (I use Dashboard on Mojave) that used to do the job flawlessly. Every time I launch that widget the Python launcher app kicks into action even though I removed the Python3 framework location from the PATH env variable in .bash_profile and relogged into my user. Could "Upload to GDrive" fall victim to Python3? If it could I'll remove Python3 without remorse.

Re: "Upload to Google Drive" hangs, does not upload

The Gdrive action does not use Python, it is written in Ruby. As no other users are reporting issues with this action and I have tested it and all is working correctly I suspect this may be some configuration issue with Ruby, macOS or Dropzone on your system.

To begin with I would try reinstalling Dropzone. And ensure you download it from

Re: "Upload to Google Drive" hangs, does not upload

The latest Dropzone doesn't support Mojave. I can't upgrade my macOS so stuck with 4.2.8.

Re: "Upload to Google Drive" hangs, does not upload

Yep, correct - Mojave is no longer supported. macOS 10.15 is now the minimum requirement. Recommend you test this again when you upgrade your Mac.