Topic: use image search and imagur with proxy

I'm in china, so I need proxy to visit google.  When I set GoAgentX to Global proxy Mode, I can use DropZone3 image search normal, but when I set GoAgentX to automatic proxy mode(I already set all rules about google, I can open , DropZone3 can't upload image. I think that because when auto mode, curl is not use proxy connect google, but I don't  know how to fix it.

If I only use Global mode, there is an other problem,  imgur can't upload images. It told me: Failed to renew auth token.
Debug info: bad URl (is not Url?)

I hope someone can help me.

Re: use image search and imagur with proxy

I've just fixed this bug. Here's a beta build for you to try with the fix, you can run this beta version and you'll still be auto-updated the next major version when it's released: …

Let me know if this version fixes it for you.

Re: use image search and imagur with proxy

John wrote:

I've just fixed this bug. Here's a beta build for you to try with the fix, you can run this beta version and you'll still be auto-updated the next major version when it's released: …

Let me know if this version fixes it for you.

Thank you very much.

Imgur works fine on global proxy mode. Google image search still can't use on PAC proxy mode. But it's OK, I can use global proxy mode.

Thanks again.

Re: use image search and imagur with proxy

It seems that this problem still exists in Dropzone 4, any idea? thanks.

Task description file task-83356:

ACTION: "/Users/mieq/Library/Application Support/Dropzone/Actions/Image Search.dzbundle"
EVENT: "dragged"
VARIABLE: "tmp_folder" "/var/folders/0m/q0c995c94kdbwjt4xpv1bx8w0000gn/T/"
VARIABLE: "dragged_type" "files"
VARIABLE: "app_version" "4.0.8"
VARIABLE: "https_proxy" ""
VARIABLE: "http_proxy" ""
VARIABLE: "support_folder" "/Users/mieq/Library/Application Support/Dropzone"
ITEMS: "/Users/mieq/Downloads/ocr-data-3065f871a625cf45252cf35078e0403f.png"

Determinate: 0
Determinate: 1
Begin_Message: Uploading ocr-data-3065f871a625cf45252cf35078e0403f.png...
Error_Title: Error searching for image
Error: Uploader output:

(28) Operation timed out after 300000 milliseconds with 0 out of 0 bytes received

Re: use image search and imagur with proxy

the other cloud action does not work either.I'm also using the proxy tool because of the network problem in China.thanks.

Re: use image search and imagur with proxy

I wrote it myself in Python, it works now.