Concerning the use of the keyboard shortcut control-option-shift-command-d set in the system preferences to invoke the "Run Dropzone Action" service: it may be of interest that the strange slowed-down emergence of the Dropzone panel only happens if the service is invoked when the keyboard shortcut is used.  If you just use the menu selection Finder > Services > Run Dropzone Action, the Dropzone panel pops out at normal speed.

It's the use of the shift key in the key combination: this taps into a little-known variant of Quick Look.  Normally, Quick Look on a file is invoked by selecting an item in the Finder and pressing the space bar; but if you select a Finder item and press shift-space, the Quick Look is invoked, but at a slow speed.  It's the kind of thing that you would have thought would be configurable somewhere in Accessibility, but I can't see that it is.

So I'll have to choose a shortcut that doesn't use the shift key, unless I get to like the slow animation!

That's great.

Though oddly, if I try to assign the keyboard shortcut command-control-d to the action (instead of Ctrl+Option+Cmd+D), it won't work because there's some service somewhere that hooks that to a Quick Look on the selected file, though I'm damned if I can find it!

Also, amusingly, if I try to assign the keystroke control-option-shift-command-d, it'll work, but the Dropzone panel emerges extremely slowly, like something's slowing down the animation.  It's bizarre.

But glad there is this ability.

Is it possible with Dropzone version 4 to select a file or files in the Finder, press the key to reveal the Dropzone window (I believe the default is F3), and then to press the key overlaying an action to have that action invoked for the file or files you have selected in the Finder?

If this isn't already possible, it should be.  If it's not possible now because of the reasoning that it would be too easy to invoke an overlaying action on files that you forgot are already selected in the Finder, then this proposed process could require an extra key (command, option, etc) to function.

> A shortcut you can hold to show the overlay is a cool idea. I will consider adding this in a future version.

I would say it's essential, at least as an option.  Otherwise, people are going to try the demo and think, "I don't want to see THAT every time I drag anything."

My choice would be to invoke the drop zone area by holding the "z" key down shortly after I start dragging something.  It seems ergonomically right as a right-hander.  That sort of thing anyway.

You coded a get for my contacts to save me the 10 seconds to type my name ?

secure eraser extension 1.1 doesn't work.  Console reports "sh: srm command not found"

Why does Dropzone want to access my contacts when I try to register it ?

It's not too great having the Dropzone drop area appear EVERY time I move something around on the desktop, so might it be possible to only invoke that behaviour when dragging AND holding some keyboard key down?
