(18 replies, posted in Dropzone Support)

John wrote:

Did it actually print when you ran the lp command on the Pathfinder jpg on the command line (the bit you did in the screenshot in the top left)? Dropzone is just calling the lp command (and I see it says 'Detained' when you do this) so it looks like the printer might be paused or something.

Is printing to that printer from other apps working?


when I ran the command in the terminal, happens exactly the same, nothing is printed.

In other apps there is no problem, this other apps includes from web browsers, notepad, photoshop, word etc... any app


(18 replies, posted in Dropzone Support)


near exactly the same result...


now the message of 'printing' does not appear


(18 replies, posted in Dropzone Support)

same problem with pdf, jpg, xls and doc file


here is the log:

[Launching task with command line: runner.rb Print.dropzone dragged /Users/clamatac/Documents/Listados Soft, MKV, DVDs etc/PS3 Juegos.xls]

Finish_Message: Printing...
URL: 0

[Task completed]

[Launching task with command line: runner.rb Print.dropzone dragged /Users/clamatac/Pictures/Pathfinder.jpg]

Finish_Message: Printing...
URL: 0

[Task completed]

[Launching task with command line: runner.rb Print.dropzone dragged /Users/clamatac/Pictures/Pathfinder.jpg]

Finish_Message: Printing...
URL: 0

[Task completed]

[Launching task with command line: runner.rb Print.dropzone dragged /Users/clamatac/Documents/Listados Soft, MKV, DVDs etc/DARKSIDERS Guia PS3.doc]

Finish_Message: Printing...
URL: 0

[Task completed]


(18 replies, posted in Dropzone Support)

the problem remains...

any idea or solution?

does it works for anyone?


(18 replies, posted in Dropzone Support)


first of all sorry for my english

I have just bought Dropzone 2 in macheist bundle 4.

Interesting app with great future I think. I have already used it with imageshack and desktop-wallpaper with success.

I have also tested with 'print' plug-in but it does not work correctly.

In this image


you can see that the error says 'no pages found' but that is not true. The same error occurs with different PDFs I have tried.

Any idea?
