1 (edited by scrutinizer 2020-09-17 19:41:04)

Topic: Dropzone 4.0.7 crashes on launch and...

... and also fails to upload to GoogleDrive and YouTube (despite being authorized). When I click on each icon the corresponding site opens in a browser. Forced to stick to v 3.0.8 which is what I'm using all the time.

I managed to launch it only by running the executable. Here's the Terminal output I got during the session:

2020-09-17 22:20:57.824 Dropzone 4[2385:62303] -[__NSCFNumber count]: unrecognized selector sent to instance 0x1
2020-09-17 22:20:57.825 Dropzone 4[2385:62303] -[__NSCFNumber count]: unrecognized selector sent to instance 0x1
2020-09-17 22:21:01.776 Dropzone 4[2385:62317] [AppCenter] ERROR: -[MSChannelUnitDefault sendLogContainer:withAuthTokenFromArray:atIndex:]_block_invoke/264 Log(s) sent with failure, batch Id:10E388F3-C281-4FD9-A473-9C448FDE7EF7, status code:400
2020-09-17 22:21:01.782 Dropzone 4[2385:62311] [AppCenter] WARNING: -[MSIngestionCall startRetryTimerWithStatusCode:]/47 Call attempt #0 failed with status code: 0, it will be retried in 9000 ms.
2020-09-17 22:21:01.782 Dropzone 4[2385:62311] [AppCenter] WARNING: -[MSIngestionCall startRetryTimerWithStatusCode:]/47 Call attempt #0 failed with status code: 0, it will be retried in 6000 ms.
2020-09-17 22:21:01.783 Dropzone 4[2385:62311] [AppCenter] WARNING: -[MSIngestionCall startRetryTimerWithStatusCode:]/47 Call attempt #0 failed with status code: 0, it will be retried in 6000 ms.
2020-09-17 22:21:01.783 Dropzone 4[2385:62305] [AppCenter] WARNING: -[MSIngestionCall startRetryTimerWithStatusCode:]/47 Call attempt #0 failed with status code: 0, it will be retried in 7000 ms.
2020-09-17 22:22:35.136 Dropzone 4[2385:62303] Failed to connect (imgurViewController) outlet from (NSWindow) to (GoogleAuthViewController): missing setter or instance variable
[PLCrashReport] MSplcrash_async_cfe_reader_find_pc:226: Could not find a first level CFE entry for pc=1a81
[PLCrashReport] MSplframe_cursor_read_compact_unwind:99: Did not find CFE entry for PC 0x10c8ffa81: 8
[PLCrashReport] MSplcrash_async_cfe_reader_find_pc:226: Could not find a first level CFE entry for pc=1a81
[PLCrashReport] MSplframe_cursor_read_compact_unwind:99: Did not find CFE entry for PC 0x10c8ffa81: 8
[PLCrashReport] MSplframe_cursor_read_compact_unwind:67: Could not find a loaded image for the current frame pc: 0x7ff9d93acfd0
[PLCrashReport] MSplframe_cursor_read_dwarf_unwind:236: Could not find a loaded image for the current frame pc: 0x7ff9d93acfd0
[PLCrashReport] MSplframe_cursor_read_compact_unwind:67: Could not find a loaded image for the current frame pc: 0x7ff9d93acfd0
[PLCrashReport] MSplframe_cursor_read_dwarf_unwind:236: Could not find a loaded image for the current frame pc: 0x7ff9d93acfd0
[PLCrashReport] MSplframe_cursor_read_compact_unwind:67: Could not find a loaded image for the current frame pc: 0x0
[PLCrashReport] MSplframe_cursor_read_dwarf_unwind:236: Could not find a loaded image for the current frame pc: 0x0
[PLCrashReport] MSplframe_cursor_read_compact_unwind:67: Could not find a loaded image for the current frame pc: 0x0
[PLCrashReport] MSplframe_cursor_read_dwarf_unwind:236: Could not find a loaded image for the current frame pc: 0x0

Re: Dropzone 4.0.7 crashes on launch and...

Would you be able to paste me the output of the Dropzone 4 debug console after the failed Google Drive or YouTube upload? You can get this by opening the grid and then clicking the settings gear in the top right corner and choosing 'Debug Console' from the menu.

Re: Dropzone 4.0.7 crashes on launch and...


Sorry for the delay

[Launching task with command line: runner.rb task-37821]

Task description file task-37821:

ACTION: "/Applications/Third Party Software/Utilities/Dropzone 4.app/Contents/Actions/Google Drive.dzbundle"
EVENT: "dragged"
VARIABLE: "client_secret" "••••"
VARIABLE: "dragged_type" "files"
VARIABLE: "tmp_folder" "/var/folders/pr/34n7_cwx0_1bz_k7xcy1hjyc0000gn/T/"
VARIABLE: "app_version" "4.0.7"
VARIABLE: "expires_at" "1600374352"
VARIABLE: "refresh_token" "••••"
VARIABLE: "sandboxed" "1"
VARIABLE: "access_token" "••••"
VARIABLE: "client_id" "••••"
VARIABLE: "support_folder" "/Users/home/Library/Application Support/Dropzone"
ITEMS: "/Users/home/Pictures/unnamed.jpg"

Determinate: 0
Begin_Message: Connecting to Google Drive...
Save_Value_Name: access_token
Save_Value: "••••"
Save_Value_Name: expires_at
Save_Value: 1601923210
Save_Value_Name: folder_name
Begin_Message: Uploading unnamed.jpg...
Error_Title: Upload Failed
Error: notFound File not found:

[Task completed]

[[Launching task with command line: runner.rb task-81281]

Task description file task-81281:

ACTION: "/Users/home/Library/Application Support/Dropzone/Actions/YouTube Uploader.dzbundle"
EVENT: "dragged"
VARIABLE: "client_secret" "••••"
VARIABLE: "dragged_type" "files"
VARIABLE: "tmp_folder" "/var/folders/pr/34n7_cwx0_1bz_k7xcy1hjyc0000gn/T/"
VARIABLE: "app_version" "4.0.7"
VARIABLE: "expires_at" "1597649943"
VARIABLE: "refresh_token" "••••"
VARIABLE: "sandboxed" "1"
VARIABLE: "access_token" "••••"
VARIABLE: "client_id" "••••"
VARIABLE: "support_folder" "/Users/home/Library/Application Support/Dropzone"
ITEMS: "/Users/home/Movies/Dashb-vs-NC.mp4"

Determinate: 0
Begin_Message: Connecting to YouTube...
Save_Value_Name: access_token
Save_Value: "••••"
Save_Value_Name: expires_at
Save_Value: 1601923535
Save_Value_Name: privacy
/Users/home/Library/Application Support/Dropzone/Actions/YouTube Uploader.dzbundle/youtube.rb:96:in `read_privacy_status'
undefined method `downcase' for nil:NilClass (NoMethodError)    from /Users/home/Library/Application Support/Dropzone/Actions/YouTube Uploader.dzbundle/action.rb:23:in `dragged'
    from /Applications/Third Party Software/Utilities/Dropzone 4.app/Contents/Actions/lib/runner.rb:74:in `call'
    from /Applications/Third Party Software/Utilities/Dropzone 4.app/Contents/Actions/lib/runner.rb:74:in `<main>'

[Task completed]

When I click on either of these icons the pages open normally.

Re: Dropzone 4.0.7 crashes on launch and...

Thanks for posting those logs. I notice from the log that you're running Dropzone 4.0.7. Are you able to update to the latest version of Dropzone (currently 4.1.2) and seeing if you still have the issue?

It's also possible that you could be on an outdated version of the YouTube Uploader action. To check you have the latest version of this can you please open the Dropzone preferences by clicking on the white settings gear in the top right of the Dropzone grid and then choose 'Preferences' from the menu. Then in the 'Cloud Actions' tab click the 'Check for Updates' button and then verify that the version number of the YouTube Uploader action is 2.4.

The Google Drive action is bundled with Dropzone so as long as you are running the latest version of the app then it should work as expected.

Let me know how you get on.